Friday, April 06, 2007

Gentle Reminder!

We leave the comments available so you, the listeners, can leave feedback regarding each entry. I'd like to remind everyone that WitchCast is appropriate for most ages (although we do encourage the parents to listen with their kids), and the web site needs to reflect that. If comments continue to be abused, I may have to disable them.
Please refrain from using profanity in your comments. Thank you!

Also, the new CRB rules issued by are out of our hands. If you stop listening to WitchCast because of the new rules imposed by Live365, you will only succeed in destroying WitchCast. We are not accepting complaints regarding the new advertising schedules! Those of you who disagree with Live365's response to the CRB, or to the CRB itself, should follow this link. "Live365's Response to the CRB, and what you can do!"

We are accepting ideas for alternative broadcast methods and providers. If you have a service you'd like to suggest, please e-mail me directly.

Please visit and find a link to speak to Live365.
WitchCast should be exempt from the new rules. WitchCast's music is played with permission from the artist, therefore, we should not be require to contribute to Live365's royalty fees.
If anybody finds such a link, please inform me and I will post it here, on!


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