Tuesday, February 28, 2006

SpreadShirt Shop is now fully Stocked!

We've added plenty of items to the SpreadShirt Shop! Please check it out!

Friday, February 03, 2006


We just opened our SpreadShirt store. It's not quite stocked up yet, but feel free to take a look around. We're adding new items as they become available.
The SpreadShirt shop is completely different than the Cafe Press shop. Instead of offering mostly white and a detailed print, like in the Cafe Press Shop, the SpreadShirt features plot printing. This means more types of clothing, more colors, and more options.

If you would like something in a different color, with a different logo (swapping our circle for the full logo and vice versa), or a different print style (flock/flex), please, just let us know. If it's available to us, we will happily add it to the shop! Just drop us an e-mail at SpreadShirtShop@WitchCast.com

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

White not your color? No problem!!!

BLACK SHIRTS now available in the WitchCast shop!!! Yes, they're finally here! It took a while to work out the problems with the graphics, but the new format has been uploaded and the black shirt is ready for purchase!!!!